Riding Toys for Toddlers (Giveaway)

As soon as kids around 1-year-old begin to pull themselves up to a standing position and begin to walk, riding toys for toddlers become increasingly popular. They offer a great way for kids to practice walking and developing balance, as they push it from behind, and they learn to develop coordination and the muscles in their legs while they sit and scoot.
Our latest addition to our ride-on toy garage is the Mega Bloks® WHIRL ‘N TWIRL™ RACE CAR, which retails for $24.99. As a child sits on this ride-on toy and scoots forward and back, underneath the toy there are plastic caster wheels, which allow the child to maneuver the ride-on toy in various directions. The seat doesn’t lift up, but there’s a nice storage space under the seat with an opening from the back of the toy where kids can store toys or drive around their favorite stuffed animals.
At almost 3 and 1/2 Gavin is a little to tall for the toy, so instead of riding it, he prefers to push it around the living room as fast as he can, similar to what he does with most of his other Mega Bloks toddler trucks. Though the recommended age range is 18-36 months, in my opinion, this fun, riding toy for toddlers is a great retail price for a gift for a child at their first birthday, where they will likely get several years of play out of it. For those of you with little girls, there is an adorable pink and green ladybug version of the same toy.
Gavin and I have tested a lot of ride-on toys the past few years. Several years ago, my initial favorite when he was in this age range was the CAT 3-in-1 ride-on toy by Mega Bloks. As his skills progressed we became huge fans of the YBike Pewi, because of it’s 360 degree caster wheels, allowing him to not only move forward and backward, but around in circles, extremely fast. The Whirl N Twirl race car is a nice happy medium given that it has the fun of the caster wheels without a hefty price-tag.
So here’s your chance to win one of your own! Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Mega Bloks® provided this ride-on toy free to facilitate this review. Any opinions included are strictly my own. Aside from an additional product to giveaway, I have received no additional compensation for this post.