Cranium Cariboo is a Great, Educational Game for Kids

Cranium Cariboo

An excellent game choice for kids ages 24 months through elementary school is Cranium Cariboo. This game is great for turn taking and for households with siblings who are different age ranges. Different balls are placed in the top and they will randomly hide in behind a compartment. Children pick different cards that will cue them to open a specific compartment. Skills addressed are matching, color recognition, letter recognition, and number recognition. When a ball is found, the item is placed on the side compartment, the winner is identified when the treasure chest opens. This game is also great for children who are learning to develop their grasping skills while holding the key, as this is a precursor for handwriting. Cranim Cariboo is an educational game that  can be found at www.cranium.com or www.hasbro.com
