Wet Ones Sticky Situation (Contest)

As the mother of a 3-year-old and an occupational therapist working with children throughout the day on lots of arts and crafts projects, I’ve quickly learned to manage the mess by using either Crayola Color Wonder markers and crayons that only mark on the special paper included, or simply purchasing washable markers and crayons. Using a baby wipe, any of these marks generally come quickly off fingers, tables and counters.
I also like to keep old adult t-shirts and use them as smocks. This also serves as an inexpensive way to keep clothing safe from paint and any other type of food and goo kids get in to. The t-shirts can either be thrown away or placed in the washer and used again. Old button down t-shirts placed on kids backwards can also minimize having to pull the t-shirt over their head after.
I’ve shared these tips as and entered to win as part of the Wet Ones Sticky Situations Facebook Contest. After sharing your most creative tips on “how to get out of a sticky situation” you could potentially win the grand prize of an iPad mini, or 1 of 3 prize packs that include 4 tickets to Six Flags Amusement Parks. Enter at the Wet Ones Facebook Page here.
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Wet Ones. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.”