That being said, I’ve been lucky to have a now, almost 2 year old, who has not really ever had any issues with any brand of disposable diapers in terms of redness or diaper rashes. I’ve tried almost all brands of disposable diapers at one time or another, especially if I’ve had a good coupon to offset the price.
So the past few weeks I’ve been participating in a product testing of Seventh Generation diapers. Seventh Generation, Free & Clear diapers do not include any chlorine processing, fragrances, latex, or petroleum based lotions and are hypoallergenic. The company has reduced the size of the outer plastic packaging to reduce waste to the landfill, and also made the packaging recyclable. I always struggle with Gavin and diaper sizes, which is probably why we’ve stuck with one brand, I’m too afraid to spend $40 on a case of something I could potentially never use. Right now he is about 32 lbs., which in Seventh Generation world would make him a 5, which is what we tested. However, they are a little on the small side for him and we could probably use a size 6. That being said, we’ve used the diapers mostly during the daytime, when I’ve been home with him on the weekends.
At first it was weird, looking at Gavin in a beige colored diaper, without any of the pictures on them. He didn’t seem to mind, but sometimes I distract him with the characters on the diaper just to get him to lie down long enough to get them on. As I said above, they were on the smaller side, and don’t seem to be as absorbent as we are typically used to, so I did need to change him more frequently. He had a bowel movement multiple times and they were always contained without any leakage or explosions. He did have one issue with a wet through, while riding in the carseat for a drive that lasted a few hours. Otherwise, as long as I changed him frequently they have been fine. I really like the tabs on the Seventh Generation diapers because they are strong, wide and secure. The only difference I could find in the long run was they were a bit more expensive than other brands if you frequently use coupons when purchasing diapers. So for those parents out there who are committed to being more earth conscious, whose kids have a lot of skin sensitivities, or who aren’t penny pinching, definitely give these diapers a try, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in terms of the quality.
If you would like to try to win a package of Seventh Generation Free & Clear Diapers yourself, we are offering a giveaway. Please comment with each entry individually. Giveaway ends: Sunday August 14th, 11:59 p.m. EST.
The mandatory entries include:
1. go to the Seventh Generation website and comment under this post what your child’s size would be.
2. Subscribe to the newsletter
Additional Entries:
1. Follow ToyQueen on Twitter
2. Like ToyQueen on Facebook
3. Follow Seventh Generation on Twitter
4. Like Seventh Generation on Facebook
Seventh Generation provided me with a free sample of diapers, information and a giveaway through MyBlogSpark. The opinions are my own.

View Comments (63)
well i'm pregnant but i'm thinking i would choose a size 2
size 2 and subscriber
Thanks so much!! Janna Johnson janna@feedyoupig on gfc
would love size 1 for the new baby on the way!
Size 4 please! I subscribe to your newsletter!
i follow you on twitter @ clothbootycutie
i follow 7th gen on twitter @ clothbootycutie
i like you on FB
i like 7th gen on FB
We need the stage 2 diapers
Follow U on twitter [pkbailey01]