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Must Have Baby Items from Drool Baby Expo

Disclosure: I received a free VIP ticket with swag bag to the Drool Baby Expo in Boston, MA to preview the newest baby gear. Any opinions stated are my own.

We all see every day how technology keeps changing. It’s always amazing to me when I get a chance to see some of the newest baby products walking the aisles of places like the Drool Baby Expo in Boston MA, organized by Magic Beans, that selfishly the products are so neat and innovative they actually make me consider having another baby. 3 1/2 years later, hindsight is 20-20, and these are some of the must have baby items from Drool Baby Expo that expecting parents definitely need to consider.

©Bumbleride Indie©Bumbleride Indie
©Bumbleride Indie

1. A Lightweight, All-Terrain Stroller like the Bumbleride Indie

I fell in love with the Bumbleride 2 years ago at the inaugural Drool Baby Expo, wishing I had spent good money up front an entire year earlier for this easy to maneuver, light weight stroller (20 lbs.) that effortlessly navigates bumpy outdoor terrain. Do not bother with a “Snap and Go.” The Indie arrives with the infant car seat attachment, beads rain water like it’s nobody’s business and includes an SPF 45 sunshade. You can read my full review of the Bumbleride Indie here. There’s a double stroller version for those having multiples or a second child.

2. Baby Silk Gentle Scalp Rub – MD Moms

©MD Moms©MD Moms
©MD Moms

For over a year I’ve been using the MD Moms Baby Silk Gentle All Over Clean body wash and soap for Gavin. He doesn’t have eczema per say, but he gets dry patches of skin for sure. This concentrated formula is gentle for newborns and still just as wonderful for my 3 1/2 year old. It keeps his skin soft, it smells amazing and one container has lasted almost an entire year.

This year at Drool I was introduced to the Gentle Scalp Rub. Working in a hospital with a lot of babies, I’ve seen my fair share of cradle crap, I mean cradle cap, and parents who are so afraid they are going to hurt their heads by flaking it off, that over time it just seems to get thicker and yuckier. No more greasing up a baby’s head over night with olive oil. Put the scalp rub on for 1-2 minutes at the beginning of a babies bath, then wash it off at the end. Genius. The MD Moms products are also endorsed by the National Eczema Association.

3. Mamas & Papas Juice High Chair

@Mamas and Papas@Mamas and Papas
@Mamas and Papas

I was not a huge high chair fan when Gavin was a baby more so because we didn’t have a lot of space. We used the First Years Booster Seat, when he was 3-5 months and for travel, then when he could sit more upright we transitioned him to the Scandinavian Child SVAN chair.  Mamas & Papas is a UK brand that just made a big splash here in the United States. Their juice chair is a compact and small high chair, with an easy to clean inner surface. When children are older, this high chair, which is standard table height can be pushed right up to the kitchen table. From  3-6 years of age, it also converts to a toddler chair with a tray (pictured).


4. Beaba Infant Spoons

©Beaba Infant Spoons

Hands down, best feeding spoon I’ve ever used. Being a feeding therapist, I’ve used a lot of spoons to feed babies of all ages and abilities. These long-handled silicone spoons, have a nice wide but deep bowl that are perfect for helping babies learn to remove food from the spoon with their lips. They are also fabulous teethers. Babies love to chew and gnaw on toys, but most toys these days are round and can’t get past the front of the mouth. These spoons allow babies to safely chew where they back molars emerge. This skill also helps children learn to lateralize their tongue, which is necessary to manage more textured foods when they are older.


5. Magnificent Baby Clothing

I could never understand why snaps were so popular with baby clothing. It wasn’t so much of a problem as a newborn, but once Gavin got in the crawling phase, I had to perfect changing a moving target, and I banned all snap clothing from his drawers. Magnificent Baby Clothing was designed with magnetic fasteners and comes in sizes from newborn to one year of age. Within seconds the clothing is successfully re-attached. No more aligning the wrong snaps in the dark during night time changes or worrying that your husband or partner will put the baby’s clothes on backwards either.

What are your must-have products that every expecting parent should consider?
