ToyQueen’s Interactive Toy and Game (I-TAG) Awards of 2010

This year we are highlighting what are my Top 12 Interactive Toys and Games (I-TAG) of 2010.   These are toys and games that not only provide the child with pure fun, but can be utilized to promote their education and learning in many different ways over the course of time.

1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Scout/Violet by Leap Frog (newborn and up)

These adorable plush toys play music and are great to incorporate into a child’s bedtime routine from infancy.  Scout is blue for boys and Violet is pink for the girls. This toy plays both environmental sounds and lullabies, while also promoting counting skills and body part recognition.

2. VTech 3 in 1 Zebra Scooter (12 months to 36 months)

When children are learning to walk, the VTech 3 in 1 Zebra Scooter starts the fun as a push-toy and as the child’s skill progresses with a few simple clicks, turns into a ride-on toy and ultimately a scooter. There are several buttons on the Zebra’s mane that engage the child in learning as well.

3. Mega Bloks Pirate Ship ( 1 year and up)

This musical pirate ship promotes interactive building at a young age with Mega Bloks. However, incorporated into the pirate ship are multiple compartments to store blocks which are great for children learning dump and fill play in infancy.  As children learn to walk they can also pull the pirate ship behind them.  As their pretend play and imaginative skills blossom, these pieces can be designed into new play schemes.

4. Pop on Pals by Spinmaster (2 years and up)

Not only can children have fun popping their people into a bus, airplane or amusement park, they also have the ability to personalize their person along the way making combinations like a fireman ballerina!

5. Play-Doh Sesame Street Shape & Spin Elmo by Hasbro (3 and up)

3 things I love – Elmo, Play-Doh and learning! Elmo encourages children in a turn taking game to find and make different shapes                                                                        with Play-Doh!

6. Stinky The Garbage Truck by Matchbox (3 and up)

I fell in love with Rocky the Robot Truck last year and this year I love his pal Stinky the Garbage Truck. He says over 90 sounds and phrases and encourages preschoolers to sing, feed him and play along.

7. Velcro Kids Pirate Ship and Royal Princess Castle (ages 3-8)

Using patented Hoox technology by Velcro brands, using fine motor skills and imagination, your child can design their own 3 dimensional pirate ships and princess castles!

8. Zoobles (4 and up)

These cute little animals curl up into little balls and when they are used in their interactive playset, spring to life from magnetic action! Built by Spinmaster for little girls which grew from the design of their Bakugan lines for boys, they appeal to many age groups and encourage both pretend play and imagination.

9. Lego Games (ages 5 and up)

Starting at ages 5 and advancing all the way up to 10 years of age and beyond, Lego has created a variety of new games where children use Lego blocks to create the actual gameboard.  The dice is changeable and so aren’t the rules along the way in these creative games! Some of my favorites include Robo Champ, Creationary, & Harry Potter Hogwarts.

10. Perplexus by Plasmart (ages 6 and up)

We met the inventor of this cool spherical game back in October! There are three different tracks where you maneuver the small marble throughout with the twists and turns of your hands! Encourages attention, logic, memory and lots of problem solving!

11. Rory’s Story Cubes by Gamewright (ages 8 and up)

I have had so much fun with these tiny cubes over the past year encouraging children to create and write their own imaginative stories.  Each dice has different pictures on them and groups of people work together to develop wacky, and creative stories. Many children have really enjoyed working on the daunting skills of writing by creating their own unique silly stories.

12. Rubik’s Slide  by Technosource (ages 8 and up)

I was not a very successful Rubik’s cube user, until we fell in love with Rubik’s Slide at our house! Lights on the cube will flash to indicate what the puzzle to solve is.  By pushing and twisting the Rubik’s Slide you maneuver the lights into the proper locations to solve the puzzle.  Addictive for sure and since it has volume control, great for travel!

So “I-Tag”ged these toys – your turn to now bring the fun and education to all the children you love!  Did any of these toys make your child’s holiday wish list this year?

These toys have been provided by the above companies free to facilitate a review. The opinions in this blog post are purely the bloggers own.
