Best Baby Bouncer for Traveling Families (Giveaway)

When Gavin was born, he was 4 weeks old at Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season. I was determined I wouldn’t let an infant stop us from going to holiday parties and visiting family in both Massachusetts and Connecticut because I knew once he was older and more opinionated, then it would be to much of a challenge. However, being first time parents we had the diaper bag stuffed with dozens of outfits, creams, bottles, and toys. My friends told me not to worry about bringing everything, because unless you are mid-air in flight, a 24 hour pharmacy will most likely have any item you forget. We never listened though. We packed up him, his baby bouncer, the car seat, an over-filled diaper bag, my breast pump, a suitcase and pack and play, each and every time.

Tiny Love has one of the best baby bouncers for traveling families. The Take-A-Long Bouncer is recommended for newborns, and babies put to 12 months old (or 25 lbs). The bouncer seat folds flat with the simple twist of a dial, weighs only 4.5 lbs. and has its own drawstring carrying case to protect it in the car and swing over your shoulder when transporting it. The seat retails for $44.99.
Tiny Love provided a free sample for us to test out. I’m excited to be able to keep it at our home for when friends visit with their babies, but in the meantime it has served as a great toy for Gavin’s baby dolls! In my opinion, I wish I had a seat like this when Gavin was little to just leave in the car, without having to worry about one more thing to put on our travel to-do list. Aside from that, even though this seat doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of vibration, music and toys that other bouncers do, if you have a small home or need something that you can easily take with you up and downstairs, it’s very compact and easy to use.
Want to win your own? Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway here and visit for more information.