Our Favorite Tommee Tippee Feeding Products

For months when my son was a 9-month-old baby I spent hours inside Babies R Us, perusing the feeding aisle, looking for Tommee Tippee feeding products. I not only was searching for items to use in my role as a feeding therapist, but I loved searching for cool and innovative bowls, cups and spoons to use with my son, Gavin.

These products were received to facilitate a product review for free from Tommee Tippee. Any opinions are my own. This website also participates in an Amazon affiliate program, where if you should click on any links, at no cost to you, this website may receive a small amount of commission.

Tommee Tippee feeding products are some of my personal favorites. Even though my son is to old for sippy cups now, I still buy them a lot for friends and family members who are expecting new babies and recommend them to my clients when they begin feeding with their babies who visit my OT practice.

Tommee Tippee was started in Great Britain and made a grand entrance to the U.S. market selling their feeding products at BabiesRUS.com, as well as all Babies R Us and Toys R Us stores nationwide. These are some of my favorite Tommee Tippee feeding products.

Tommee Tippee Weaning Bowls

The weaning bowls are great for new eaters. The bowl has a handle on it, making the bowl easy to hold when you are feeding the child, or for when the kids begin to feed themselves as toddlers. This bowl is also deep and has a triangular bottom, which can allow for better success during these early self-feeding stages, making it easier to get textures like yogurt onto the spoon easier. 


Tommee Tippee Easy Mat and Weaning BowlTommee Tippee Easy Mat and Weaning Bowl

Tommee Tippee Weaning Spoons

I know how overwhelming the feeding aisles can be in with so many choices!  Tommee Tippee spoons have a large bowl and a long handle, making them a great first spoon for feeding. There are heat sensitive spoons so parents know not to feed baby something that is to hot. Some have a soft tip. There are spoons that attach to baby food pouches, too.


Tommee Tippee Easy-Mat

The Tommee Tippee Easy-Mat is placed on a table or high chair and allows the Weaning Bowl or other standard plates/bowls to be attached to it.  By securing the bowl, it could prevent food from being dumped out of the bowl onto the floor and it also keeps the bowl in place when children learn to eat with utensils.  Though Gavin found a way to remove the bowl from the mat within a minute or so and his lovely dinner did end up on my floor, I do believe this mat could still be beneficial to older toddlers who are motivated to self-feed with a spoon or a fork.

Though I received free products from Tommee Tippee to facilitate this review, the opinions expressed are purely the bloggers own.


