The Happy’s from Cepia

In April, some of the cutest little doggies and kitties with funny little personalities will be warming the hearts of children and families everywhere.
Do you remember Zhu Zhu Pets from Cepia? About 4-5 years ago, those little scurrying hamsters were the hottest holiday toy of the year, selling out everywhere.
While the Zhu Zhu Pets were reliant on their own track based accessories. The Happy’s also from Cepia, can maneuver without habitats, around hard surfaces and on low pile carpet. The toys make 25 different sounds each, and they have the ability to learn tricks and interact with children playing with them, as well as their own treat toys. Additional accessories that include a ball, as well as sports cars and skateboards will also add to the fun.

The Happy’s will spin, dance, and chase their tails into the hearts and minds of children everywhere in just a few weeks.
The first animals released will include Bentley the golden retriever, Sport a goldendoodle, Chance the Beagle and Mittens the white cotton ball kitty.
I attended a press event at Toy Fair featuring the Happy’s. I received a free sample, but did not receive compensation and was not required to post about the event.