Sumo Ham Slam Board Game

Last week, I saw a lot of children smile playing Sumo Ham Slam. Who wouldn’t have fun feeding funny looking Hamsters food pellets before placing them in a center ring where you use a magnetic wand to try to knock the opponent back into their corner on the game board? I think as adults it was just as fun for us to have a little comic relief, for sure.

So what did we work on with Sumo Ham Slam?

The understanding of new directions, fine motor coordination to plan how to use your magnetic wand to guide your hamster without being able to really see it, and planning on how to win by wrestling him back into his respective corner. Not to mention turn taking and social connections with peers. You all know me by now if you read my posts regularly, I’m a big proponent of encouraging children to write but my biggest roadblock is finding a way to motivate them. So here were some creative writing topics we identified after playing this game by writing a story on your Sumo Hamster:

What’s his name?
What kind of pellets does he like to eat that makes him so strong?
Where does he live?
Why is he wrestling in the ring?

Please comment under this post with any other creative topics you can think of to make this game educationally fun.

Gamewright provided Sumo Ham Slam free for the process of a review. The opinions expressed in this blog post are purely the bloggers own.
