The Professor Brooster Mechanical Brain Booster
Our son is 13 months old, so I decided to test it out with him immediately. It was amazing how quickly he understood the simple game of hide and seek. I set the timer turned on for 1 min. and hid it within the room, first where he could see it and hear it. Because I set the timer so short, right after he picked it up it sounded the alarm. He thought this was kind of funny, but not all children might think so, so make sure you are nearby if they become scared.
From that point on he enjoyed watching where I would put it, would quickly find it and bring it back to me. It even got to the point where I had to run around the room to hide it in a place he was not able to see it because he was chasing behind me laughing and looking for it! Talk about a simple spin on such a classic game of hide and seek! This is also not any ordinary kitchen timer, as it has a breakaway strap allowing it to be hung around doorknobs and a magnetic backing so that it can be attached to a refrigerator or metal door. As is described in the instruction booklet, there are so many other developmental skills that can be enhanced when utilizing this toy. It was really quite amazing to watch the curiosity of such a young child and the sense of achievement once he was able to locate the timer in its hidden position. He is in such a language phase right now and it can be such a vocabulary builder and direction following tool.
Many children also need a little bit of rough house play to help settle them down before bed or just have a lot of energy to expend in general, why not before you they settle down for homework or a bedtime story, play a few short rounds of such a fun, simple game!
Professor Brooster Mechanical Brain Booster was provided by Wixom Creative free for the purpose of the review. All opinions expressed in this entry are purely the bloggers on.