10 Messes Kids Can Clean with a Dyson Cordless Vacuum

As a mother, when it comes to cleaning, I feel like all day long I chase my tail. The sooner I clean up one mess there’s another one being created at the same time, just in a different location. I only have one child, I’ll never understand how those of you with more than one keep your cool over the never ending house cleaning.
When I was asked to review the Dyson V6 Absolute Cordless Vacuum(affiliate link), for days I imagined all of the messes that I would be able to clean more efficiently, like the kitchen floor, the bathroom tile, baseboards and those disgusting dust trap mini-blinds. Visit Dyson.com for an even more comprehensive list of this handheld vacuum’s capabilities.
Then the day it arrived I was re-arranging and attaching the multiple accessories and cleaning attachments trying to get a sense of what piece was used for which kind of mess, and I realized, I bet it won’t be to difficult to find 10 messes Gavin could clean up on his own, with my supervision of course, while using this Dyson cordless vacuum.
It’s a win-win if he’s doing a chore that can actually help me in the process, and fingers crossed I may even have a fighting chance of actually getting some cleaning accomplished.
When I showed Gavin this cordless handheld vacuum cleaner with all the attachments, he was feverishly attaching and unattaching pieces. At the same time, he was simultaneously scanning the living room for messes to clean-up, frustrated more than anything that it would take at least 3 1/2 hours for the vacuum to hold a full charge.
While I pray there are more to come, here are 10 messes Gavin has happily cleaned up on his own in the past month with the Dyson Absolute V6 cordless, handheld vacuum.

- Dry cereal left over from breakfast that fell under the counter stools and kitchen table
- Dust in the entryway that he tracked inside from his baseball uniform, after rolling around in the dirt on the baseball diamond for hours
- A summer’s worth of beach sand that piled up in the trunk of my SUV
- Cookie crumbs and crackers from underneath the couch cushions
- Kinetic Sand that was so fine it was barely noticeable on the floor, counter and in the rush-seat counter stools
- Muffin bits and all sorts of unidentified grossness that was smooshed both inside and under his booster seat in the car
- Wood chips and sand from the play yard that were resting on the floor of the backseat in my vehicle
- Popcorn and pretzels that were smashed and scattered under the couch
- Dried mud that fell off his soccer cleats that he banged together in the entryway instead of outside
- Dust and dirt he tracked up an entire carpeted staircase after forgetting to remove his shoes upon entering the house
While on occasion he has needed some help with a few of the attachments, for the most part at almost 6-years-old, with my supervision and guidance, he has been able to figure out which attachment he needs for whatever mess he is cleaning. This Dyson vacuum is long and skinny, which can make it awkward to clean small confined spaces, like on the floor of the backseat of the car, but with some maneuvering of your body, the job will get done and done well.
Be aware that the charge on the vacuum lasts at most 20 minutes, and half of that, if you engage the MAX power, so don’t plan on hours of cleaning with this tool at a time.
Space out your projects over the course of the day or weekend, so you can plug-in and re-charge for at least 3 hours in between. That being said, the charge is the perfect amount of time for kids who have short attention spans and easily allows them to meticulously focus on cleaning one mess at a time.

The attachments I love the most are the mini-motorized tool to clean the carpeted stairs without the need to lug my heavy, awkward upright vacuum up and down the stairs. My runner-up favorite is the soft roller cleaner head, which I use to dust and vacuum our hardwood floors and bathroom tile with ease. When the long stick is attached to the vacuum in order to use the cleaner head, the machine pivots very easily from side-to-side when changing direction and maneuvering under furniture.
I’m always amazed at the yuck that ends up in the dust cup, because it’s not like the dust and dirt is always noticeable. A HEPA filtration system captures the allergens and bacteria, restoring cleaner air back into the environment. The dust cup is easy to release just by pushing the small lever on the right of the canister when it is positioned over a trash can. You may need to tap it repeatedly to get the bulk of the dust out, as sometimes it can get trapped and accumulated inside the dust cup.

What are some of the household cleaning projects you let your children do to help you? Leave some ideas for others in the comment section.
For more information on the Dyson Absolute V6 Cordless Vacuum and all other Dyson vacuums, visit Dyson.com. With regard to any questions and for warranty related information, please refer to the Dyson manual for more specific information. Children should always be supervised when utilizing this vacuum, because it is not intended to be a toy.
Disclosure: I was provided with a Dyson Absolute V6 Cordless Handheld Vacuum to facilitate this post, all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links, I may receive a small percentage of any items purchased.