Kids Lunchboxes from Neat-Oh

Since my son goes to daycare, I’ve had lots of practice over the past few years packing his lunch. I will say, nothing makes a child happier to help you carry their own lunchbox, than one that peaks their interest.
Neat-Oh is an innovative company that creates washable products that unzip to be functional play spaces. Their racecar backpack unzips to reveal a roadway, while their large Barbie box unzips to be a portable dream house. Their kids lunchboxes unzip to provide an area that serves as a placemat. My son needs a little bit of help making the lunchbox do it’s full transformation, but he is only just 3. He loves the picture of the dog and it’s handy to have a surface that I can easily wipe down and shake out if small amounts of liquid or crumbs end up inside. The handle itself to hold it is thin, but secure. However, I wish it was a little bulkier because once you add an ice pack, a cup and a few snacks, it can get quite heavy and is a little harder to hold on to. These are really cute kids lunch boxes, and if you are looking for something functional and different, these would make a great gift.
Neat-Oh provided this lunchbox to facilitate this review. Any opinions are my own.