I apologize ahead of time that many of my posts over the next few weeks will most likely be infant related. When I return back to work after my maternity leave in two weeks, my mind should think in a broader perspective, but for now this cute little man is my reality!
In an effort to not become cluttered with baby items I put a lot of careful consideration into my choices. I did not register for a full size high chair, borrowed a friend’s old travel swing and bought an Infantino playmat that folds up to be stored to save on floor space.
This morning I was thinking of a way to entertain my 2 1/2 month old so that I could get a few household chores done in his presence with the use of my own two hands! So I decided to open up the First Years “Infant to Toddler Feeder Seat.” Don’t let the name fool you, he’s not ready for food for another two months or so, but he’ll get a great deal of use of this item before then, I know it! Love it already and so doesn’t Gavin.
Voila! The recline of the tray puts the items in a better perspective for him to view them and he entertained himself for a good 20 minutes banging away at the toys. Not to mention he played so hard and so well he’s napping and you’ve got the benefit of this blog post, too!
Check out the new rattle on the tray he got for the holidays. Sassy has just revamped their infant rattle line and this is one of the three that I purchased at Babies R Us. Love it! It has a spinning ball on the inside that lights up when you barely hit it, which is great for teaching simple cause and effect at such a young age. He can easily spin the ball already if I hold it up for him and the light is great in my diaper bag when looking for smaller items that may have been hidden. My friend’s 6 year old enjoyed it as well over the holidays pretending it was an airplane and a rolling car!
So don’t let the young age of your infant and the name of the tools fool you, just because it is a “Feeder Seat” doesn’t mean it can’t be used for entertainment and fun too!