Ever Wanted To Fly Like Iron Man or Challenge Captain America?

Iron Man Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.

Iron Man Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.Iron Man Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.Disclosure: I was provided with free passes to the Discovery Times Square museum to participate in the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. exhibit. Any and all opinions are my own.

Don’t try to tell me when you are watching anyone of the AVENGERS for the first time that you haven’t ever wondered what would it be like if their world was reality. What would it be to meet them in person, how would it feel to your body to be able to experience their unique physical traits?

Currently, in New York City, one of the exhibits at the Discovery Times Square is the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N exhibit. When visiting, participants are given S.H.I.E.L.D access to train just like their favorite characters.

First, after typing in your name into the computer, entrants receive their own personalized identity card. This card is inserted into many of the experiences and helps players keep track of their progress. While in the museum, using a variety of simulated experiences, participants engage in all sorts of fun  super hero training exercises. Activities that were my favorite including testing my grip strength vs. Captain America’s, looking at my own DNA under a microscope then exposing it to GAMMA rays, and mastering the art of eye gaze control by blinking to maneuver the computer, just like Iron Man.  In my opinion the highlight of the museum is the Iron Man simulator. Using an Xbox KINECT type scenario, the participants image appears on a large screen, and is then outfitted with Iron Man’s gear. Once suited up, you’ll love  moving your body to dance, complete a target game and eventually move your arms up and down to fly as Iron Man up, down, side to side, forward and backward.

This museum is full of information, but you can consume it at a basic surface level or dig super deep into the science behind all of the activities. For those, like me, who want to “marvel” at memorabilia it’s also available. Technology within this museum is amazing and most of the information is presented through large touch screens, which are featured in the photos below.

Scientific principles are certainly intriguing, but can be overwhelming. This experience does an outstanding job  of teaching children, while using multi-sensory activities, by allowing them to experiment with their own bodies, using such motivating characters. My 4-year-old knows who most of the Avengers characters are, and in case you are wondering, the exhibit is for all ages and doesn’t include anything “scary.” You know your children best, but in my personal opinion, the exhibit is best suited for adults, teens and school aged children.

I was by myself and completed many of the activities within a 45 minute timeframe. Certainly depending on the age of the child, their interest, people traffic inside the museum (weekend vs. weekday) plus wait times for certain experiences like the Iron Man Flight Simulator, you could spend more or less time.  The museum cast members were great at making you feel a part of the exhibit.

They are very strict about taking photos in the museum and it is not allowed or tolerated. However, the agents shared with my group that only I was given a pass by the President to the United States of America  to take some pictures so that I could share my experience with you.


I was provided with free passes to the Discovery Times Square museum to participate in the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. exhibit. Any and all opinions are my own.

If you are interested in visiting the museum, visit the Discovery Times Square Museum website. This exhibit is open through the first week of January 2015.

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More information on the Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. as seen on About.com Toys

