Best Daniel Tiger Toys & Games

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daniel tiger's neighborhood logodaniel tiger's neighborhood logo
©PBS Kids

I grew up as an avid viewer of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, when Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood first debuted on PBS Kids, I was so excited to watch it with Gavin who was around 2 at the time. This was long before he even got to play with some of the adorable Daniel Tiger toys and games.

On this animated show, adorable characters are faced with typical issues preschool aged children face in their daily lives like learning how to master the potty at school and in the community, following daily dressing routines, and overcoming separation anxiety  when caregivers drop them off at school or go away on business trips.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood was one of our favorite shows to watch together, and as a parent, I had never expected my son to learn so many simple, yet helpful strategies that make our daily life easier.

I was continually amazed when days later, situations would arise in our family life, and I’d hear Gavin singing the song from the show, or when I’d tuck him into bed and he’d spontaneously rub noses and say, “Ugga Mugga Mom.” We used to DVR all of the episodes, so if he has an accident at school that day, or needed a reminder about what to do in the morning before we left the house for daycare, I could easily cue up an episode for him to watch to help him through the process. Why is it the selective attention he exhibited with me is not the same when it comes to my hero, Teacher Harriet.

There are some adorable, new Daniel Tiger toys and games in the toy store that feature the characters from this popular show. 

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Daniel tiger toy plush bedtime snuggle bearDaniel tiger toy plush bedtime snuggle bearDaniel Tiger Bedtime Snuggle Bear 

Who would not want to snuggle with Daniel Tiger, especially when Tigey glows in the dark and helps kids to feel safe and secure? Daniel Tiger shares his routine with kids with the phrase, “Bath time, PJs, brush teeth, story and song.” The Goodnight Daniel Song is also included, sung by Mama Tiger.  Buy the Daniel Tiger bear on Amazon.



Daniel Tiger Toy TrolleyDaniel Tiger Toy TrolleyDaniel Tiger Toy Trolley

The open-air trolley houses Daniel Tiger and his friends. The trolley has a pull-back action feature that allows it to move across the floor while ringing its bell. Children who are enamored with vehicles will be intrigued with this trolley since it can cart the character figures and other toys around in it without difficulty. The trolley arrives with a Daniel Tiger character as well. Buy the Daniel Tiger Trolly on Amazon.
