Bring the Snow Inside!

So it’s been snowing crazily here since I opened my eyes this morning, and so heavily that we haven’t bundled up yet to brave the outdoors. However, after a few hours we are already starting to go a little stir crazy and then I had a lightbulb moment, let’s bring the snow inside!

So my 15 month old doesn’t have a lot of experience with snow simply because we haven’t had all that much of it — until today! Gavin has loved just watching it peacefully float to the ground from the window, and though we plan on taking him out later today when the weather subsides, I thought in the meantime I’d let him explore it on a much smaller, less stressful scale.

Using our Megabloks Play N Go Table, I removed the top, and put a plastic garbage bag and a towel underneath it, because it does have some tiny holes in the bottom that water could drip through. Don’t have a Play N Go Table? Any plastic storage container will do. We put a large handful of snow in it, added a few spoons, blocks, cups, and plastic animals. Voila! We had a sensory table in seconds! He thought it was pretty funny if I filled the plastic blocks with snow and dumped them out over and over. Though he wasn’t too thrilled about really experiencing it himself, he was happy to take it all in cautiously. The best part about playing with snow – it just turns to water. Got an unused plastic bin hanging around? Not ready to bundle everyone up and brave the weather yourself, bringing the outside in can be just as fun!

The opinions expressed in this blog post are purely the bloggers own. Mega Bloks provided the Play N Go table free to facilitate a review.
