20+ Outdoor Toys and Activities That Easily Store in the Trunk of the Car #SiennaDiaries

Mobo Bike Toyota Sienna

20+ Toys Easily Stored in the Trunk of the Car or Minivan20+ Toys Easily Stored in the Trunk of the Car or MinivanDisclosure: We have been participating in the Toyota #SiennaDiaries campaign for the last 3 months, where I have been driving a Toyota Sienna minivan and documenting our travels. We received a stipend to participate in the program, but any opinions included within this post are mine my own.

A few weeks ago I took part in a Google chat about healthy eating and nutrition and one one of the questions that I was asked included, “How does your family stay active in the summer?”

While some people might immediately think about what’s stored in their garage or which toys are strewn within their backyard, my mind immediately shifted to what I currently had stored in the trunk of the minivan.  We don’t have much of a yard where we live, so for Gavin to play outside we frequently visit the park, playground or my parent’s house. So, the trunk of the car is our garage, and depending on what generally peaks his interest that day is what we prioritize playing with for active play.

Mobo Bike Toyota SiennaMobo Bike Toyota SiennaI’ve compiled a list of 20+ different toys and activities that can easily be stored in the trunk of your car or in our case these days, the Sienna minivan! Also, so you can get an idea of what the space like is in the back of the Sienna, even with the 3rd row installed, 12 of these items, (noted by a star) are currently being stored in the trunk.

Links included may direct you to reviews within ToyQueen.com or on Toys.About.Com

  1.  OgoDisk
  2. * yGlider Scooter
  3. Razor Scooter
  4. *Baseball Glove and Mit
  5. *Soccer Ball
  6. *Mobo Bike & *Helmet
  7. *Sand Toys
  8. *Sky Bouncer Frisbee
  9. Sidewalk Chalk / Chalk City
  10. Bubbles
  11. *Zorbz Water Balloons
  12. Radio Flyer Cyclone
  13. Balance BikeKinderfeets, YBike
  14. Ride-On Toys
  15. DinoTrux Sand Toy
  16. Toy Blasters – NERF, *BoomCo, NERF Rebelle
  17. *Wagons
  18. *Puddle Jumper Vest / Swim Bubble
  19.  Zing Toys Z curve
  20. *Stomp Rocket Zoom Rocketz
  21. *Zing Toys Sky Ripperz
  22. *NERF Bash Ball

Disclosure: We have been participating in the Toyota #SiennaDiaries campaign, where I have been driving a Toyota Sienna minivan and documenting our travels. We received a stipend to participate in the program, but any opinions included within this post are mine my own.
