Ultimate Block Party in NYC Sunday Oct. 3rd sponsored in part by LEGO!

I recently heard about a great FREE event, the Ultimate Block Party, sponsored in part by LEGO that will take place Sunday October 3rd, in Central Park at the Naumberg Bandshell in New York City! The event will take place from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m and through multiple sponsors, a variety of stations, games and activities will encourage children and their families to play and experience the fun and importance of playful learning together! At the LEGO Imagination Construction Zone, individuals or teams will choose from 250,000 loose green LEGO bricks to construct a model for a creative landscape designed and built by Ultimate Block Party attendees.
According to the press release from this event, “the Ultimate Block Party will transform the Bandshell area of New York City’s Central Park into the world’s most innovative playground, demonstrating the power of fun and games for learning and helping to reinforce that how we play as children helps form who we become as adults.”
LEGO will give a LEGO CREATOR: Ferocious Creatures Set (valued at $29.99) to a reader to encourage the use of LEGO Construction Zones at home as a way to expand a child’s play skills and creativity!

Mandatory entry: Leave a comment under this post describing how your child likes to play imaginatively, and a random winner will win the LEGO CREATOR Ferocious Creatures set!
Additional Entries: Follow @ToyQueen on Twitter, Retweet this post on Twitter, Like ToyQueen on Facebook, Share this link on Facebook with your friends
Make sure to comment under this post on any additional entries completed
Contest ends Tuesday, October 5th at 11:59 p.m. EST!
LEGO provided the LEGO CREATOR: Ferocious Creatures Set for the giveaway. No form of monetary compensation was provided by LEGO or any other sponsor for this post.