Meet Newest Pup on Paw Patrol – Everest

New Pup on Paw Patrol Everest!

Today might as well be a national holiday in our house. A new pup debuts on Paw Patrol, Everest the Husky.

We don’t have cable and watch most shows on Hulu and Netflix. What we do own is a season pass to Paw Patrol. Gavin is in love with the show and Paw Patrol toys have been flying off store shelves since the Spring. When I told him there was a new pup, he had a dozen questions, including, “What type of vehicle do you think he’ll drive?!?!”

Check your DVR’s and listings for the newest Nickelodeon Paw Patrol episode, “The New Pup.” The pups join up to rescue their friend Jake who is lost in the South Pole. Everest, the new pup is a mountain ranger Husky dog. There’s even been a hint of a new vehicle, “The PAW Patroller.”

Now that we’ve seen the episode, Everest is actually a she! And that Paw Patroller is just plain awesome.

Here’s a video of the new Everest Toys!


See the new Paw Patroller!


For those of you who love Paw Patrol, here’s a sneak peek at some of the toys and links to other articles on the newest Paw Patrol toys!


