Customizable Labels from Kiddo Tags

©Keri Wilmot

Just a few weeks ago when Spring began to arrive, I started cleaning out some of the cabinets at home.  Gavin’s been attending daycare for 3 years, and in an effort to save some money and be a little greener, I invested in reusable snack containers with lids. While trying to organize the chaos that is that cabinet, I could have sworn I had bought way more than what we had left.  It seems as if I had failed one of the most important jobs as a dutiful daycare parent. I never followed the instructions to label all his clothing or ANY of his personal items. It was perfect timing when I was asked to take part in a sponsored campaign by Kiddo Tags, reviewing their customizable labels for kids.

When I first started browsing on their site, I got that same giddy feeling the same day I first walked the organization aisles of the Container Store. These sticky labels can be customized from choices of 150 characters, 18 colors, and 25 different fonts. I was so overwhelmed with the options that it took me days to craft my final selection, taking into consideration all sorts of variables.

Right now Gavin is into fire trucks and construction vehicles. My husband brought up a great point, if they send you that many labels (150 labels in the Stick’ Em pack) can you be sure in a few months or a year, he’ll still like them? So we settled on a pretty standard race car with his first and last name for the Stick’Em value pack.

One decision down, know for the clothing labels. Do we write his name? First name and last name? Phone number? Honestly I never thought I’d have this many questions arbitrarily ordering labels. There was never a happier day for me when we realized that Gavin could say his first and last name, along with the city and state we live in. In his clothing tags, we opted to put his first name and our phone number, god forbid he should ever get separated from us or lost. Last weekend my husband took him to the Red Sox game, wearing his jacket with the Kiddo Tag label inside.

We were also provided with a package of the Social Kiddo’s Playdate cards. Yup, we just designed Gavin’s very first business card. We customized these labels with his name, our names and both of our phone numbers. The stickers then attach to a heavier card stock. They arrive with a leather carrying case and a sharpie.

I received the tags within a few days of my order in standard USPS mail. Then came the process of sticking them, everywhere. We first labeled all the standard things for school I could think of like his lunch bag, coat and Camelback drink containers. Then I swear it was a game to find different but important things to label such as some books, headphones and a TAG Reader he uses during nap at daycare, and all of his hockey equipment. We put the pencil thin name tag on his stick, and a really big one with his first and last name on his helmet so his instructors could remember his name. I slipped a few of the “business cards” into his hockey bag as well, in case we left the bag somewhere, or we wanted to exchange phone numbers with any new friends.

The labels are washable, and I haven’t had any difficulty with them becoming unglued. Maybe it’s because he’s in preschool and he’s all about identifying his name and various letters, but he himself kept bringing me new toys and articles of clothing he wanted me to label for him, and couldn’t wait to point out to his teachers and friends at school that his lunchbag had his name on it.

It’s amazing how such a simple product can transform a mother’s life. We pay enough money for all this gear, I didn’t realize how much these labels could be an insurance policy for our investment in clothing and all sorts of equipment.

You can follow KiddoTags on Twitter and Facebook.

I participated in a sponsored campaign with KiddoTags where I received labels facilitate this review.


View Comments (3)

  • My little guy is also SO into construction vehicles right now--and has been for about a year now (and he's only 2 1/2 so that's saying something) haha! Love the cute design and how they go with everything--and also that they don't come unglued with washing, that's always good to know!

  • What an awesome post! Customizable labels are indeed amazing! Wow, I really find this so perfect. Washable labels are very much durable compared to others. So amazingly perfect for kids.

  • I love these! I even made ones with just our last name so that I can label the "community" things when we travel (backpack, suitcase, hairdryer, makeup bag, etc).... I also label dishes that I take to different gatherings so I always get my favorite salad bowl back!