A Water Fountain For the Bathtub

This is one of the coolest tub toys I have ever seen! The Yookidoo Stack ‘N’ Spray Tub Fountain has been so much fun for us in the tub. After you install 3 AA batteries, it’s very easy to turn on with the touch of the orange button. It can either float in the tub or you can attach it to the bottom of the tub with the suction cup. Different sized boats are stacked in the center of the toy which allows for water to be sprayed in many different types of directions. It’s a simple way to promote cause and effect play, and encourage the motor control for stacking objects, all while in the bathtub! It’s a fun, interactive toy that can appeal to a variety of different age ranges and skill levels. Though I would suggest keeping it out of your child’s reach when not in use, the orange button to activate the fountain is very easy to turn on. Somehow it must have been on for a while after I put it away because I went to put it in the tub one night and the batteries no longer worked.  Here’s another parting thought, why save it just  for the tub? It’s a great addition to any pool or sensory water table for use all year round!

International Playthings provided this toy free for review. The opinions represented in this blog post are purely the bloggers own.


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    • Hi Victoria- I've been searching around and can't seem to find it. :-( I didn't see it on amazon either, but you may want to contact International Playthings (www.intplay.com) and see if they can help you locate 1 somewhere. Sorry!