Super Why! Live Tour

Disclosure: My family and I were provided with free VIP tickets to the Super Why! Live tour at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium for the purpose of this review. Any opinions stated are my own.
Gavin being 3 1/2 years old, we’ve gone through several rotations of his favorite television programming. What I’ve notice these days as the trend is that shows I thought he wasn’t interested in any longer tend to circle back to the forefront of his mind and completely entertain him on a different level as his thinking skills advance.
Last summer Gavin was really into Super Why! He was even Super Why! (the character in green) for Halloween. The past few months since he’s been exposed to learning letters at preschool, he’s had more interest in identifying and naming them. I wasn’t surprised when he started asking to watch Super Why! episodes all over again.

Gavin and I attended the show as VIP guests, with seats in the 12th row, then attended a party afterwards that provided kid-friendly activities and a photo opportunity with the characters. The show started on time (at 6:05), and the characters made their entrance onto the stage with confetti and streamers. The set is relatively simple, primarily incorporating the characters you see above, with an enormous animated screen as the backdrop.
The story line revolves around the characters Alpha Pig, Super Why, Wonder Red and Princess Presto searching for letters to input in the “Super Duper Computer” that answers a question. The live show incorporates many of the popular sayings and songs from the television show, all promoting the underlying theme that “kids have the power to do anything they want to do.”
During the show Gavin was so entranced, he sat on my lap the entire time, and almost didn’t notice we were in a room full of thousands of people until other people started clapping. A highlight of the show for him was when Woofster walked through the aisles of the show near our seat, then back up onto the stage. Gavin sang along and loved searching for the “super letters” that were projected onto the ceiling. There was a short intermission and the show was about 1 hour 15 minutes with the intermission.
At the VIP after party, though Gavin didn’t partake in many of the Super Why! coloring and arts and crafts activities present, he did have a sampling of the Alphabits cereal featuring Super Why! on the box, which he has proclaimed as his new favorite snack. Every morning he heads to school with a container of it on his lap, and when he finds a letter he recognizes, he yells it out to me.
What I wasn’t prepared for were all the questions Gavin would have after the show! Since we left later because of the VIP party, he was a little distraught seeing they had taken down the lights from the stage and were packing up the light-up wands and t-shirts. “Mom did Super Why! go home? Where do they live? Did they leave in there Why-Flyers (spaceships)? Are their Why-Flyers parked outside, where we can see them?”
You know when something has had a memorable and enjoyable impact on your child when he repeatedly asks to see Super Why! Live again, before we’d even left the building. A day hasn’t gone by since that I haven’t heard him singing the alphabet, in the exact same way the characters do on the show.