New Exclusive Look at NERF Rebelle Arrow Revolution Bow #RebellePower

NERF Rebelle Arrow Revolution Bow

Do you like sneak peeks and exclusive info? I can’t believe we are even thinking about next Christmas (December 2015!), but if you have a NERF Rebelle fan in your house, here’s a picture of the newest NERF Rebelle toy, the Arrow Revolution Bow!

It’s not available until Fall of 2015, but I’m hoping to get my hands on one during my annual trip to Toy Fair!

For kids who love blaster toys, the NERF Rebelle Arrow Revolution Bow allows them to rapid-fire 6 whistling arrows, up to 90 feet!

Here is more information on the NERF Rebelle Arrow Revolution bow, which you can find on About.com Toys.

Follow NERF Rebelle on Instagram (#RebellePower) and YouTube for all the latest info!
