Minecraft Toys & Activities

If you have a son or know boys that are ages 7 and up, Minecraft is the newest technology rage. Through apps, video games and computer programs, children build virtual worlds. While this game has been the most popular with older middle school and high school aged students for years, I’m hearing of children younger and younger who are obsessed with the characters and the concepts, even if they don’t even have access to the game. That being said, it didn’t take long for plush items and Minecraft toys and activities to win the hearts of children everywhere.
One of my favorite Mincecraft toys is the © Minecraft paper folding sets. Just like I was so excited to see fun arts and crafts toys enter back into the forefront of family life with the recent Rainbow Loom addictions popping up all over wrists everywhere, I was psyched to see a toy company bring back a fun, traditional toy that kids are flipping out over merely because of their obsession over anything Minecraft.
With the Minecraft paper folding sets, similar to paper dolls of the past, children fold different shapes and attach them together to create 3D characters from Minecraft that include gravel blocks, creepers, witches, and spiders. Not that I know what any of these character’s roles do within the program, all I need to do is ask one of my students and they can offer a thesis on how this whole complicated situation works. When Jazwares provided a free set for me to utilize for the purpose of this review, I knew these would be an amazing motivator.
Some of the students I have given these to have found these sets to be a challenge to fold precisely, mainly because they try and complete the task to quickly with little attention to detail, while others can quickly manipulate them without difficulty. Even though some students may hand them back and ask for help, they ask me to bring back different ones and new sets each and every week. I love that kids are taking the time to step away from the technology game to do something constructive and hands-on around such a popular interest. You need to make sure that you fold absolutely every single spot and some are quite hard to find. Start with the gravel blocks, they are the easiest to put together and will help build the foundational skills for the more difficult characters that have multiple pieces that need to be attached together. Certainly have a little tape nearby because some of the little tabs have come off or become a little unstable, but otherwise, the paper is sturdy and holds up well.
These sets are recommended for kids ages 6 and up, retail from $12 to $30, and make great holiday and birthday gifts. Visit Jazwares.com for more information.