Mashable Holiday Party Recap!

A few months ago we partnered with to assist in planning their Holiday Party at the Roger Smith Hotel in New York City. The event was held on December 17, and was sponsored by Ceiva, Gamehouse, Hautelook and Real Player. Over 150 people attended and a great time was had by all!
As Mashable promotes social media for social good, in the spirit of holiday giving, a portion of the proceeds were donated to the Association to Benefit Children ( in New York City.
ABC is an organization that is “dedicated to bringing joy and warmth to disadvantaged children and their families through compassionate, sustainable, comprehensive and integrated services, designed to permanently break the cycles of abuse, neglect, sickness and homelessness.”
I personally want to send out a big thank you to Hasbro (@familygamenight) and Mega Bloks (@megabrands) large toy corporations who donated items for the raffle, as well as a significant amount of toys and games that were donated directly to the Association to Benefit Children for use in their therapeutic programs. First and foremost, as an occupational therapist who works in a similar environment, I can vouch that those toys and games will have such a significant impact for several years both developmentally and socially on many children.
If you are considering an organization to donate to this holiday season, consider ABC ( or even find a local early intervention program or shelter in your community that may benefit from a small toy donation.