For the first time this summer, I’ll only be working 3 days per week. So, in order to find some fun, healthy, and cost-effective activities to keep us both entertained, we bought family passes to the local beach and the YMCA for the summer.
What I didn’t initially take into consideration were all the extra accessories we needed to purchase in the process. We both got new sneakers and bathing suits. Then, after I got completely grossed out with the germs in the locker room and Gavin got a fever the night after I left him for the first time in their childcare room, we each got a new pair of water shoes to wear in the changing area.
So, over the past few weeks, we’ve both been perfecting our pool and beach transporting and changing routines. With Gavin being only 3 and 1/2, he’s inconsistently able to get himself dressed successfully, and despite my pleas, him carrying anything other than his toy cars or sand shovel is just an unreasonable expectation in his eyes. Needless to say its been a challenge keeping track of all of our new gear. I was happy I could at least use more of Gavin’s KiddoTags labels.
These labels have been invaluable to us. They have been affixed to all of the usual items for daycare like water bottles, jackets, lunch boxes and backpack. We made sure to place them on his hockey stick and helmet. I frequently cut his first name off some of the tags and affix the “Wilmot” portion on my own items. However, my next tip to share with you is one that I think is an ingenious way to use these cool tags.
When I recently bought Gavin’s sneakers, he desperately wanted “light up” shoes. We found a pair of Star Wars light saber ones at Stride Rite on clearance, and in all honesty, Gavin has never been so motivated to put on his own sneakers. However, it’s totally typical of his age, he doesn’t know which shoe goes on which foot. When I’m teaching kids in occupational therapy how to put on their own shoes, I frequently put a sticker of their favorite character on the inside of the tongue of one of their shoes. This way, they know that the shoe with the sticker always goes on their left/right foot. For Gavin, at home I put the small binky size tag with the car icon and his name on his left foot. For older children who can recognize their name, you could also put their first name on their left foot and their last name on their right foot. Simple, I know. I hope it’s as valuable to you as it has been for us.
KiddoTags provided our family with several packages of labels, and this time around, they are sponsoring a $40 gift card giveaway, while also providing a 10% off promo code (SummerCamp13) for friends of ToyQueen who order now.

View Comments (14)
I would use this on my grandson's clothing items when he goes off to preschool this fall.
I would use these on my grandson's clothing items when he goes off to preschool this fall!!
I'd use them on school supplies.
I would use these to put on my daughter's clothes.
I would label my son's clothes and shoes for school.
I would use it for all of my daughters items that she takes to preschool.
I've been wanting to get these for a long time!
Hopefully for my son for pre k
i'd use it for my son and Preschool.
I'd put them on the lunch boxes, thermoses and jackets my daughters take to school, so I don't have to keep trolling the lost and found for all the stuff they keep forgetting to bring home.