It unfolded very easily out of the box, after I installed the three AA batteries (batteries are not included), I let Gavin, my 8 month old loose. He has just started to crawl on hands and knees, so he was happily crawling up and down the mat, using his hands to activate the different sounds on each square in good old cause and effect fashion!
Then we brought the mat to our friend’s house over the 4th of July holiday to see what their 3 year old twins and 5 year old thought of the product. We tested out the games, though truthfully, we had some difficulty understanding most of the audio directions. When you step on the mat it makes a crinkly sound and with any other background noise, we found it hard to hear and follow at times because it sounded a bit muffled and spoke too quickly. The twins enjoyed simply hopping on one and two feet from start to finish in hopscotch fashion without the audio. We then tried to think of some different ways to use the product without the sound, so you can continue to promote the color, shape and number recognition the mat is designed to teach.
So we had more fun using the mat in “Twister” format! If your child is two or three, you would want to encourage color recognition. Encourage them to stand on a color, put their nose on red, crawl to blue, etc. The twins knew their colors, but hadn’t learned all their numbers. So I encouraged them to find the number 9 by looking for either a green space or a triangle. For older children preschool and school age who are working on shapes and numbers, give them more than one direction at a time, sit down on 7 and a put your foot on a rectangle. This allows you to use the mat with different age groups at the same time.
When it’s rainy, snowy, windy or too hot outside and you have kids with extra energy, this is quick indoor way to relieve some wiggles. It can also be helpful for children learning to advance their motor skills for hopping on one foot and improving their motor coordination. Though I would suggest being with your children when they play it to repeat and modify the directions to meet their skill level.
Constructive Playthings is a family owned business who, since 1953, has been striving to provide both educational and developmental toys to consumers. They will also be offering a $50 gift card this month to a US or Canadian reader, 18 and older with a valid email address who completes the following three steps:
1. Visits and takes a look at the website. Come back and tell me a toy you think your child would really enjoy. (The toy mentioned in this review does not count!) (COUNTS AS ONE ENTRY)
2. Follow @ToyQueen on Twitter (FOLLOW COUNTS AS ONE ENTRY) and post a comment here.( POST COUNTS AS ONE ENTRY ONCE A DAY)
For Extra Entries: (Please leave a comment on this post letting me know what you have applied for regards to extra entries)
– Post a comment on our Facebook page (COUNTS AS ONE ENTRY)
– Post this contest to your facebook status (COUNTS AS ONE ENTRY)
– Follow @ConstructiveMom on Twitter and Facebook (COUNTS AS TWO ENTRIES)
Giveaway will end in three weeks on Monday July 26th, 11:59 p.m. EST
Remember, if you plan on ordering any toys or products, use the blue discount button for the Constructive Moms program on the sidebar of my blog, it will get you a 15% off discount on any purchase!
Canadians – Constructive Toy is just on the verge of launching in Canada. If you win, you will be one of the first people to shop on the website with your gift card when it launches later this month

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I am a fan and left a comment on Facebook!
I visited CP web site. I think my son would love the sing along cd player. He loves to sing and dance!
My kids would love the handbells!
following toyqueen on twitte (cultivatinghome)
following constructivemom on twitter!
My son would really like the personalized Name CD.
My son would love the Barn and animals set!
I follow @toyqueen on twitter @star84vu
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tvollowitz at aol dot com